Source code for orangecontrib.text.nyt

import json
import math
import os
import shelve
import warnings
from datetime import date
from time import sleep
from urllib import request, parse
from http.client import HTTPException
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError

from Orange import data
from Orange.canvas.utils import environ
from orangecontrib.text.corpus import Corpus

MAX_DOCS = 1000
MIN_DATE = date(1851, 1, 1)

[docs]class NYT: """ Class for fetching records from the NYT API. """ @staticmethod def keywords(doc, name): return ', '.join([kw.get('value') for kw in doc.get('keywords', []) if kw['name'] == name]) attributes = [] class_vars = [ (data.DiscreteVariable('Section'), lambda doc: doc.get('section_name', None)), ] tv = data.TimeVariable('Publication Date') metas = [ (data.StringVariable('Headline'), lambda doc: doc.get('headline', {}).get('main') or ''), (data.StringVariable('Abstract'), lambda doc: doc.get('abstract') or ''), (data.StringVariable('Snippet'), lambda doc: doc.get('snippet') or ''), (data.StringVariable('Lead Paragraph'), lambda doc: doc.get('lead_paragraph') or ''), (data.StringVariable('Subject Keywords'), lambda doc: NYT.keywords(doc, 'subject')), (data.StringVariable('URL'), lambda doc: doc.get('web_url') or ''), (data.StringVariable('Locations'), lambda doc: NYT.keywords(doc, 'glocations')), (data.StringVariable('Persons'), lambda doc: NYT.keywords(doc, 'persons')), (data.StringVariable('Organizations'), lambda doc: NYT.keywords(doc, 'organizations')), (data.StringVariable('Creative Works'), lambda doc: NYT.keywords(doc, 'creative_works')), (tv, lambda doc:'pub_date'))), (data.DiscreteVariable('Article Type'), lambda doc: doc.get('type_of_material', None)), (data.DiscreteVariable('Word Count'), lambda doc: doc.get('word_count', None)), ] text_features = [metas[0][0], metas[1][0]] # headline + abstract
[docs] def __init__(self, api_key): """ Args: api_key (str): NY Time API key. """ self.api_key = api_key self.on_error = None self.on_rate_limit = None self.on_no_connection = None self.cache_path = None self._cache_init()
[docs] def api_key_valid(self): """ Checks whether api key given at initialization is valid. """ url = self._encode_url('test') try: with request.urlopen(url) as connection: if connection.getcode() == 200: return True except (HTTPError, URLError, HTTPException): return False
[docs] def search(self, query, date_from=None, date_to=None, max_docs=None, on_progress=None, should_break=None): """ Args: query (str): Search query. date_from (date): Start date limit. date_to (date): End date limit. max_docs (int): Maximal number of documents returned. on_progress (callback): Called after every iteration of downloading. should_break (callback): Callback for breaking the computation before the end. If it evaluates to True, downloading is stopped and document downloaded till now are returned in a Corpus. Returns: Corpus: Search results. """ if max_docs is None or max_docs > MAX_DOCS: max_docs = MAX_DOCS # TODO create corpus on the fly and extend, so it stops faster. records = [] data, go_sleep = self._fetch_page(query, date_from, date_to, 0) if data is None: return None records.extend(data['response']['docs']) max_docs = min(data['response']['meta']['hits'], max_docs) if callable(on_progress): on_progress(len(records), max_docs) for page in range(1, math.ceil(max_docs/BATCH_SIZE)): if callable(should_break) and should_break(): break if go_sleep: sleep(SLEEP) data, go_sleep = self._fetch_page(query, date_from, date_to, page) if data is None: break records.extend(data['response']['docs']) if callable(on_progress): on_progress(len(records), max_docs) if len(records) > max_docs: records = records[:max_docs] return Corpus.from_documents(records, 'NY Times', self.attributes, self.class_vars, self.metas, title_indices=[-1])
def _cache_init(self): """ Initialize cache in Orange environment buffer dir. """ path = os.path.join(environ.buffer_dir, "nytcache") try: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) self.cache_path = os.path.join(path, "query_cache") except OSError as e: warnings.warn('Could not initialize NYT cache: {}'.format(str(e)), RuntimeWarning) def _cache_fetch(self, url): """ Fetch URL from cache if present. """ with as cache: if url in cache.keys(): return cache[url] else: return None def _cache_store(self, url, data): """ Store data for URL in cache. """ with as cache: cache[url] = data def _fetch_page(self, query, date_from, date_to, page): """ Fetch one page either from cache or web. """ cache_url = self._encode_url(query, date_from, date_to, page, for_caching=True) data = self._cache_fetch(cache_url) if data: return data, False else: url = self._encode_url(query, date_from, date_to, page, for_caching=False) try: with request.urlopen(url, timeout=TIMEOUT) as conn: data ='utf-8') except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 403 and page > 0: # occasionally some pages return error 403 (Forbidden) # while all other page numbers seem to work just fine. # Skip such pages and don't break loading! warnings.warn('NYT api returned HTTPError with code 403 ' '(Forbidden)! Skipping this page ...') return {'response': {'docs': []}}, True if e.code == 429 and callable(self.on_rate_limit): self.on_rate_limit() elif callable(self.on_error): self.on_error(str(e)) return None, False except URLError: if callable(self.on_no_connection): self.on_no_connection() return None, False raise data = json.loads(data) self._cache_store(cache_url, data) return data, True def _encode_url(self, query, date_from=None, date_to=None, page=0, for_caching=False): """ Encode url for given query, date restrictions and page number. Args: query (str): Search query. date_from (date): Date restriction. date_to (date): Date restriction. page (int): Page number. for_caching (bool): Whether URL would be used for caching. If set, exclude BASE_URL and API key. Returns: str: An encoded URL. """ params = [ # list required to preserve order - important for caching ('fq', 'The New York Times'), ('api-key', self.api_key), ('q', query), ('page', page), ] if date_from: params.append(('begin_date', date_from.strftime('%Y%m%d'))) if date_to: params.append(('end_date', date_to.strftime('%Y%m%d'))) if for_caching: # remove api key, return only params del params[0] return parse.urlencode(params) else: return '{}?{}'.format(BASE_URL, parse.urlencode(params))