========= Wikipedia ========= .. figure:: icons/wikipedia.png Fetching data from `MediaWiki RESTful web service API `_. Signals ------- **Inputs**: - (None) **Outputs**: - **Corpus** A :ref:`Corpus` instance. Description ----------- **Wikipedia** widget is used to retrieve texts from Wikipedia API and it is useful mostly for teaching and demonstration. .. figure:: images/Wikipedia-stamped.png 1. Query parameters: - Query word list, where each query is listed in a new line. - Language of the query. English is set by default. - Number of articles to retrieve per query (range 1-25). Please note that querying is done recursively and that disambiguations are also retrieved, sometimes resulting in a larger number of queries than set on the slider. 2. Select which features to include as text features. 3. Information on the output. 4. Produce a report. 5. Run query. Example ------- This is a simple example, where we use **Wikipedia** and retrieve the articles on 'Slovenia' and 'Germany'. Then we simply apply default preprocessing with :doc:`Preprocess Text ` and observe the most frequent words in those articles with :doc:`Word Cloud `. .. figure:: images/Wikipedia-Example.png Wikipedia works just like any other corpus widget (:doc:`NY Times `, :doc:`Twitter `) and can be used accordingly.