Source code for orangecontrib.text.corpus

import os
from copy import copy
from numbers import Integral
from itertools import chain

import nltk
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from gensim import corpora

from import ContinuousVariable, DiscreteVariable, \
    Domain, RowInstance, Table
from orangecontrib.text.vectorization import BowVectorizer

def get_sample_corpora_dir():
    path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    directory = os.path.join(path, 'datasets')
    return os.path.abspath(directory)

def _check_arrays(*arrays):
    for a in arrays:
        if not (a is None or isinstance(a, np.ndarray) or sp.issparse(a)):
            raise TypeError('Argument {} should be of type np.array, sparse or None.'.format(a))

    lengths = set(a.shape[0] for a in arrays if a is not None)
    if len(lengths) > 1:
        raise ValueError('Leading dimension mismatch')

    return lengths.pop() if len(lengths) else 0

[docs]class Corpus(Table): """Internal class for storing a corpus.""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Bypass Table.__new__.""" return object.__new__(cls)
[docs] def __init__(self, domain=None, X=None, Y=None, metas=None, W=None, text_features=None, ids=None): """ Args: domain ( the domain for this Corpus X (numpy.ndarray): attributes Y (numpy.ndarray): class variables metas (numpy.ndarray): meta attributes; e.g. text W (numpy.ndarray): instance weights text_features (list): meta attributes that are used for text mining. Infer them if None. ids (numpy.ndarray): Indices """ n_doc = _check_arrays(X, Y, metas) self.X = X if X is not None else sp.csr_matrix((n_doc, 0)) # prefer sparse (BoW compute values) self.Y = Y if Y is not None else np.zeros((n_doc, 0)) self.metas = metas if metas is not None else np.zeros((n_doc, 0)) self.W = W if W is not None else np.zeros((n_doc, 0)) self.domain = domain self.text_features = None # list of text features for mining self._tokens = None self._dictionary = None self._ngrams_corpus = None self.ngram_range = (1, 1) self.attributes = {} self.pos_tags = None self.used_preprocessor = None # required for compute values if domain is not None and text_features is None: self._infer_text_features() elif domain is not None: self.set_text_features(text_features) if ids is not None: self.ids = ids else: Table._init_ids(self)
[docs] def set_text_features(self, feats): """ Select which meta-attributes to include when mining text. Args: feats (list or None): List of text features to include. If None infer them. """ if feats is not None: for f in feats: if f not in chain(self.domain.variables, self.domain.metas): raise ValueError('Feature "{}" not found.'.format(f)) if len(set(feats)) != len(feats): raise ValueError('Text features must be unique.') self.text_features = feats else: self._infer_text_features() self._tokens = None # invalidate tokens
def _infer_text_features(self): """ Infer which text features to use. If nothing was provided in the file header, use the first text feature. """ include_feats = [] first = None for attr in self.domain.metas: if attr.is_string: if first is None: first = attr if attr.attributes.get('include', 'False') == 'True': include_feats.append(attr) if len(include_feats) == 0 and first: include_feats.append(first) self.set_text_features(include_feats) def extend(self, instances): if self.domain != instances.domain: raise NotImplementedError( 'Extending corpora with different domains is not supported.') super().extend(instances) if self._tokens is None or instances._tokens is None: self._tokens = None else: self._tokens = np.append(self._tokens, instances._tokens) self._dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(self._tokens) if self.pos_tags is None or instances.pos_tags is None: self.pos_tags = None else: self.pos_tags = np.append(self.pos_tags, instances.pos_tags) self._ngrams_corpus = None # Todo: extend instead of reset
[docs] def extend_corpus(self, metadata, Y): """ Append documents to corpus. Args: metadata (numpy.ndarray): Meta data Y (numpy.ndarray): Class variables """ self.metas = np.vstack((self.metas, metadata)) cv = self.domain.class_var for val in set(Y): if val not in cv.values: cv.add_value(val) new_Y = np.array([cv.to_val(i) for i in Y])[:, None] self._Y = np.vstack((self._Y, new_Y)) self.X = self.W = np.zeros((len(self), 0)) Table._init_ids(self) self._tokens = None # invalidate tokens
[docs] def extend_attributes(self, X, feature_names, feature_values=None, compute_values=None, var_attrs=None): """ Append features to corpus. If `feature_values` argument is present, features will be Discrete else Continuous. Args: X (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): Features values to append feature_names (list): List of string containing feature names feature_values (list): A list of possible values for Discrete features. compute_values (list): Compute values for corresponding features. var_attrs (dict): Additional attributes appended to variable.attributes. """ if self.X.size == 0: self.X = X elif sp.issparse(self.X) or sp.issparse(X): self.X = sp.hstack((self.X, X)).tocsr() else: self.X = np.hstack((self.X, X)) if compute_values is None: compute_values = [None] * X.shape[1] if feature_values is None: feature_values = [None] * X.shape[1] new_attr = self.domain.attributes for f, values, cv in zip(feature_names, feature_values, compute_values): if values is not None: var = DiscreteVariable(f, values=values, compute_value=cv) else: var = ContinuousVariable(f, compute_value=cv) if cv is not None: # set original variable for cv cv.variable = var if isinstance(var_attrs, dict): var.attributes.update(var_attrs) new_attr += (var, ) new_domain = Domain( attributes=new_attr, class_vars=self.domain.class_vars, metas=self.domain.metas ) self.domain = new_domain
@property def documents(self): """ Returns: a list of strings representing documents — created by joining selected text features. """ return self.documents_from_features(self.text_features) @property def titles(self): """ Returns a list of titles. """ attrs = [attr for attr in chain(self.domain.variables, self.domain.metas) if attr.attributes.get('title', False)] # Alternatively, use heuristics if not attrs: for var in sorted(chain(self.domain.metas, self.domain), key=lambda var:, reverse=True): # reverse so that title < heading < filename if in ('title', 'heading', 'h1', 'filename') \ and not var.attributes.get('hidden', False): # skip BoW features attrs = [var] break if attrs: return self.documents_from_features(attrs) else: return ['Document {}'.format(i+1) for i in range(len(self))]
[docs] def documents_from_features(self, feats): """ Args: feats (list): A list fo features to join. Returns: a list of strings constructed by joining feats. """ # create a Table where feats are in metas data = Table(Domain([], [], [ for i in feats], source=self.domain), self) # When we use only features coming from sparse X data.metas is sparse. # Transform it to dense. if sp.issparse(data.metas): data.metas = data.metas.toarray() return [' '.join(f.str_val(val) for f, val in zip(data.domain.metas, row)) for row in data.metas]
[docs] def store_tokens(self, tokens, dictionary=None): """ Args: tokens (list): List of lists containing tokens. """ self._tokens = np.array(tokens) self._dictionary = dictionary or corpora.Dictionary(self.tokens)
@property def tokens(self): """ np.ndarray: A list of lists containing tokens. If tokens are not yet present, run default preprocessor and save tokens. """ if self._tokens is None: self._apply_base_preprocessor() return self._tokens
[docs] def has_tokens(self): """ Return whether corpus is preprocessed or not. """ return self._tokens is not None
def _apply_base_preprocessor(self): from orangecontrib.text.preprocess import base_preprocessor base_preprocessor(self) @property def dictionary(self): """ corpora.Dictionary: A token to id mapper. """ if self._dictionary is None: self._apply_base_preprocessor() return self._dictionary def ngrams_iterator(self, join_with=' ', include_postags=False): if self.pos_tags is None: include_postags = False if include_postags: data = zip(self.tokens, self.pos_tags) else: data = self.tokens if join_with is None: processor = lambda doc, n: nltk.ngrams(doc, n) elif include_postags: processor = lambda doc, n: (join_with.join(token + '_' + tag for token, tag in ngram) for ngram in nltk.ngrams(zip(*doc), n)) else: processor = lambda doc, n: (join_with.join(ngram) for ngram in nltk.ngrams(doc, n)) return (list(chain(*(processor(doc, n) for n in range(self.ngram_range[0], self.ngram_range[1]+1)))) for doc in data) @property def ngrams_corpus(self): if self._ngrams_corpus is None: return BowVectorizer().transform(self).ngrams_corpus return self._ngrams_corpus @ngrams_corpus.setter def ngrams_corpus(self, value): self._ngrams_corpus = value @property def ngrams(self): """generator: Ngram representations of documents.""" return self.ngrams_iterator(join_with=' ')
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the table.""" c = self.__class__(self.domain, self.X.copy(), self.Y.copy(), self.metas.copy(), self.W.copy(), copy(self.text_features)) # since tokens and dictionary are considered immutable copies are not needed c._tokens = self._tokens c._dictionary = self._dictionary c.ngram_range = self.ngram_range c.pos_tags = self.pos_tags = c.used_preprocessor = self.used_preprocessor return c
[docs] @staticmethod def from_documents(documents, name, attributes=None, class_vars=None, metas=None, title_indices=None): """ Create corpus from documents. Args: documents (list): List of documents. name (str): Name of the corpus attributes (list): List of tuples (Variable, getter) for attributes. class_vars (list): List of tuples (Variable, getter) for class vars. metas (list): List of tuples (Variable, getter) for metas. title_indices (list): List of indices into domain corresponding to features which will be used as titles. Returns: Corpus. """ attributes = attributes or [] class_vars = class_vars or [] metas = metas or [] title_indices = title_indices or [] domain = Domain(attributes=[attr for attr, _ in attributes], class_vars=[attr for attr, _ in class_vars], metas=[attr for attr, _ in metas]) for ind in title_indices: domain[ind].attributes['title'] = True for attr in domain.attributes: if isinstance(attr, DiscreteVariable): attr.values = [] def to_val(attr, val): if isinstance(attr, DiscreteVariable): attr.val_from_str_add(val) return attr.to_val(val) if documents: X = np.array([[to_val(attr, func(doc)) for attr, func in attributes] for doc in documents]) Y = np.array([[to_val(attr, func(doc)) for attr, func in class_vars] for doc in documents]) metas = np.array([[to_val(attr, func(doc)) for attr, func in metas] for doc in documents], dtype=object) else: # assure shapes match the number of columns X = np.empty((0, len(attributes))) Y = np.empty((0, len(class_vars))) metas = np.empty((0, len(metas))) corpus = Corpus(X=X, Y=Y, metas=metas, domain=domain, text_features=[]) = name return corpus
def __getitem__(self, key): c = super().__getitem__(key) if isinstance(c, (Corpus, RowInstance)): Corpus.retain_preprocessing(self, c, key) return c @classmethod def from_table(cls, domain, source, row_indices=...): t = super().from_table(domain, source, row_indices) c = Corpus(t.domain, t.X, t.Y, t.metas, t.W, ids=t.ids) Corpus.retain_preprocessing(source, c, row_indices) return c @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): if not os.path.exists(filename): # check the default location abs_path = os.path.join(get_sample_corpora_dir(), filename) if not abs_path.endswith('.tab'): abs_path += '.tab' if not os.path.exists(abs_path): raise FileNotFoundError('File "{}" not found.'.format(filename)) else: filename = abs_path table = Table.from_file(filename) X = table.X if not sp.issparse(X) and X.size == 0: X = sp.csr_matrix(X) # prefer sparse (BoW compute values) return cls(table.domain, X, table.Y, table.metas, table.W)
[docs] @staticmethod def retain_preprocessing(orig, new, key=...): """ Set preprocessing of 'new' object to match the 'orig' object. """ if isinstance(orig, Corpus): if orig._tokens is not None: # retain preprocessing if isinstance(key, tuple): # get row selection key = key[0] if isinstance(key, Integral): new._tokens = np.array([orig._tokens[key]]) new.pos_tags = None if orig.pos_tags is None else np.array( [orig.pos_tags[key]]) elif isinstance(key, list) or isinstance(key, np.ndarray) or isinstance(key, slice): new._tokens = orig._tokens[key] new.pos_tags = None if orig.pos_tags is None else orig.pos_tags[key] elif key is Ellipsis: new._tokens = orig._tokens new.pos_tags = orig.pos_tags else: raise TypeError('Indexing by type {} not supported.'.format(type(key))) new._dictionary = orig._dictionary new.text_features = orig.text_features new.ngram_range = orig.ngram_range new.attributes = orig.attributes new.used_preprocessor = orig.used_preprocessor
def __len__(self): return len(self.metas) def __eq__(self, other): def arrays_equal(a, b): if sp.issparse(a) != sp.issparse(b): return False elif sp.issparse(a) and sp.issparse(b): return (a != b).nnz == 0 else: return np.array_equal(a, b) return (self.text_features == other.text_features and self._dictionary == other._dictionary and np.array_equal(self._tokens, other._tokens) and arrays_equal(self.X, other.X) and arrays_equal(self.Y, other.Y) and arrays_equal(self.metas, other.metas) and np.array_equal(self.pos_tags, other.pos_tags) and self.domain == other.domain and self.ngram_range == other.ngram_range)