Similarity Hashing ================== Computes documents hashes. **Inputs** - Corpus: A collection of documents. **Outputs** - Corpus: Corpus with simhash value as attributes. **Similarity Hashing** is a widget that transforms documents into similarity vectors. The widget uses [SimHash]( method from from Moses Charikar. ![](images/Similarity-Hashing-stamped.png) 1. Set Simhash size (how many attributes will be on the output, corresponds to bits of information) and shingle length (how many tokens are used in a shingle). 2. *Commit Automatically* output the data automatically. Alternatively, press *Commit*. Example ------- We will use ** to find similar documents in this small corpus. Load the data with [Corpus]( and pass it to **Similarity Hashing**. We will keep the default hash size and shingle length. We can observe what the widget outputs in a **Data Table**. There are 64 new attributes available, corresponding to the *Simhash size* parameter. ![](images/Similarity-Hashing-Example.png) References ---------- Charikar, M. (2002) Similarity estimation techniques from rounding algorithms. STOC '02 Proceedings of the thirty-fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, p. 380-388.