Statistics ========== Create new statistic variables for documents. **Inputs** - Corpus: A collection of documents. **Outputs** - Corpus: Corpus with additional attributes. **Statistics** is a feature constructor widget that adds simple document statistics to a corpus. It supports both standard statistical measures and user-defined variables. ![](images/statistics-stamped.png) 1. Add or remove features. Features can be added with the + sign below. They can be removed with the x sign on the left side. Feature options are: - Words count: number of words in the document. - Characters count: number of characters in the document. - N-grams count: number of n-grams. Define n-grams in [Preprocess Text], otherwise only unigrams will be reported. - Average word length: ratio between character count and the number of words - Punctuations count: number of punctuations - Capitals count: number of capital letters - Vowels count: number of vowels. The default is 'a, e, i, o, u', but the user can add her own. - Consonants count: number of consonants. Default is given, but the user can adjust it. - Per cent unique words: ratio of unique words to all the words (types/tokens). - Starts with: number of times a token begins with the specified sequence. - Ends with: number of times a token ends with the specified sequence. - Contains: number of times a specified sequence is in the token. - Regex: number of times the provided regular expression matches the token. - POS tag: count specified POS tags. Requires POS tagged tokens from [Preprocess Text]( List of Tree POS tags for English can be found [here]( 2. Press Apply to output corpus with new features. 3. Status line with help on the left and input and output on the right. Example ------- Here is a simple example how **Statistics** widget works. As it is a basic feature construction widget, it can be used directly after [Corpus]( We have added a couple of features, namely word count, character count, percent unique words and number of words containing 'oran'. We can observe the table with additional columns in a [Data Table]( We can also use the output of Statistics for predictive modeling with [Test and Score]( Normally, however, we would use Statistics only to enhance features from the [Bag of Words]( widget. Some features require POS tagged tokens, which can be created with [Preprocess Text]( widget. ![](images/statistics-example.png)